Are you sending out a Dumpster Fire Pitch?

Are you sending out a Dumpster Fire Pitch?

Maybe your intentions are good, but your execution is sloppy. Perhaps you learned to market from the “Spray and Pray Institute.” It’s okay, though you can do better than a dumpster fire pitch. We all can. DEFINITION: Dumpster Fire Pitch A business communication where...
How To Know When to Pitch and When to Ditch When Networking

How To Know When to Pitch and When to Ditch When Networking

In the immortal words of country singing legend, Kenny Rogers, “You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run.” The same can be said for pitching. I’ve been attending networking events for many years now and I’ve...
How to Pitch Your Way Out of a Summer Sales Slump

How to Pitch Your Way Out of a Summer Sales Slump

  Are you feeling stuck in a summer sales slump? You are not alone. Most industries feel it. You don’t need to resign yourself to the dog days of summer being so slow – You can pitch your way out of that slump! Here’s how:   1. Embrace your...

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